C&R leads cost savings and efficiencies at Auckland Council

Jun 13, 2022

C&R Councillor and Chair of Auckland Council’s Value for Money Committee, Cr Desley Simpson announced that Council has exceeded its saving target for the 2021/2022 financial year – one month ahead of schedule.

"The council achieved $90.7 million, or 100.8 per cent, of the $90 million savings target on 31 May, with a month still left in the financial year," says Cr Simpson.

"Over half are enduring savings, so we have also achieved around an additional $52 million of savings towards our savings target of $90 million for 2022/2023.

"With two C&R Councillors at the helm, the Value for Money Committee activities have achieved over $447 million of financial benefits. These include operating savings and efficiency achievements of $259.7 million, as at 31 May, and group procurement savings of $96 million, as at February this year.

“We have an obligation to provide value for money for Aucklanders. Alongside my C&R colleagues, we are committed to delivering the services that Aucklanders need in the most efficient and effective way. It is all about ensuring we are spending responsibly, and I am proud of the savings progress we have made so far,” says Cr Simpson.

C&R Councillor and Deputy Chair of the Value for Money Committee, Cr Tracy Mulholland applauds the early achievement of the yearly savings target.

“The Value for Money Committee is important work, the savings are significant and as Aucklanders seek improvements and fiscal responsibility, the outstanding results prove savings can be achieved as we listen and respond to ratepayers.”

C&R knows every dollar paid in rates is a dollar taken from the pockets of families and businesses. It will ensure Auckland achieves its potential by controlling council spending and delivering value-for-money to ratepayers as we invest in the future of Auckland.

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